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    Why choose Evoke

    Align training to businesses goals, identify
    performance gaps, link learning to
    business performance

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    Instructor Led Training

    Building sustainable capabilities
    through collaboration

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    Empirical Learning

    Learning through critical reflections

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    Why train

    Building Performance by
    Changing Behaviour

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    Why choose Evoke

    Align training to businesses goals, identify
    performance gaps, link learning to
    business performance

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    Instructor Led Training

    Building sustainable capabilities
    through collaboration

Our Solutions

Evoke Potential’s training solutions are engaging, exciting, interactive and use adult learning methodology to enhance employees’ skills, mind-sets, and behaviours. We provide customized solutions in areas of leadership development, sales force effectiveness, customer relationship management, communication, employee engagement, team building, managerial development and behavioural skills.


Instructor Led Training (ILT)

Instructor Led Training is considered the gold standard in the training world and is the basis of comparison for all other training methodologies. Instructor Led Training or classroom experience is considered to be the most effective...


Empirical Learning (Offsite)

For sustainable capability building, Empirical Learning or learning through critical reflections on our experiences is the key learning approach. It engages the learner in critical thinking; problem solving and decision making that...


Our Vision

To be the most valued learning partner by empowering people and transforming organizations through collaborative learning.

About us

Empowering People, Transforming Organisations

Evoke Potential is an emerging Learning Solutions Company which has trained over 13,100 professionals across India. We have served a diverse set of customers across multiple sectors through our customized corporate training programs, including healthcare, higher education, learning and development, pharma, publishing, technology, telecommunications, Retail, Automobile, Real estate, Hospitality, Media and more...

Customer Orientation


Engage & Inspire


Integrity & Ethics


Mutual Respect


On-time Delivery


Our Strengths

De4 Model Explanation

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    Arman Chaudhary

    Head-Human Resources & Talent Management

    Emaar MGF

    Evoke Potential has delivered yet another programme successfully. Keep up the good work!
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    Dr. NK Pandey

    Chairman & Managing Director

    Asian Institute of Medical Sciences

    Evoke Potential’s workshop for senior doctors was an instant hit. The training was conducted to equip the doctors with better communication skills for effective implementation of innovative strategies to enhance hospital services. The participants obtained a renewed sense of confidence from the training programme. Evoke Potential stands out for sheer professionalism and commitment in delivering the training programme.
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    Anuj Mathur

    CFO & Company Secretary

    Canara HSBC OBC Life Insurance Company Ltd.

    Power packed activities conducted by Evoke Potential ensured 100% engagement throughout the programme and helped infuse the Top Performers spirit in the team.
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    Kapil Chopra


    The Oberoi Group

    Thank you Evoke Potential for conducting this programme. I had not only heard great things about the Selling Skills programs done for the entire Sales force, but also saw the impact.
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    Ichiro Maeda


    IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance

    I have worked overseas on various projects, but was pleasantly surprised to see this kind of programme for the top management. The programme conducted by Evoke has done wonders for the organization. It worked well in bringing the team together by making us a part of various team bonding activities.
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    H.O. Suri


    IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance

    Together we can” programme conducted by Evoke Potential brought the entire management team on one platform and stimulated the team to work together towards achieving our goal of meeting the organization’s mission.
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    Arman Chaudhary

    Head-Human Resources & Talent Management

    Emaar MGF

    Evoke Potential has delivered yet another programme successfully. Keep up the good work!
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    Dr. NK Pandey

    Chairman & Managing Director

    Asian Institute of Medical Sciences

    Evoke Potential’s workshop for senior doctors was an instant hit. The training was conducted to equip the doctors with better communication skills for effective implementation of innovative strategies to enhance hospital services. The participants obtained a renewed sense of confidence from the training programme. Evoke Potential stands out for sheer professionalism and commitment in delivering the training programme.
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